Getting together with friends will never be the same again! Turn your gatherings with friends into hilarious events. Couple's Clash is the perfect game to bring a get-together with 2 to 4 couples. Each couple will team up to play against the others and prove they really know each other.



How to play
You and your partner need to agree on the answer to score points. Will your knowledge of each other be enough to beat the other couples? Whether you win or lose, laughter and fun are guaranteed in this short party game for couples
Who knows their partner best? Answer questions together, the couple with the most matching answers wins! Each round someone chooses a question, and players answer with either "me" or "you". If both answered the same person, that couple gains a point! When a couple reaches 15 points, the game ends.
This is a couples' game meant to be played by pairs. The couples compete together to prove who knows their partner best. At the beginning of the round, the current player must draw a card and choose one of the two questions on it.
Example: The chosen question was "Which one of the couple would enjoy building a snowman more?"
Each player must then secretly choose the best answer between "you" and "me," considering their partner.
If the couple agrees on their answer, they earn a point. If the couple disagrees, they don't earn any points in this round.