Le Truc is a bluffing game for 2 teams of 2. At any point you might raise the round value, and your opponents might accept it or not, since it might be a bluff, or a bluff of a bluff? Who knows? It's Le Truc.



How to play
Le Truc is a game of cards between two teams of 2. The goal of each team is to make 12 points. The first team to reach that goal wins. At the start of a round, each player receives 3 cards. Each player then plays one card. Whoever plays the best card wins the trick's points.
Truc is a team's game of lies. The first team to 12 points win the match.
This is the order of power between cards in Le Truc:
Cards' Order Trump > 3 > 2 > Ace > King > Jack > Queen > 7 > 6 > 5 > 4
A card from the table gets flipped at the start of the round, revealing the "Trump". The Trump is the strongest card possible, and it is the previous card in the sequence following the one that gets revealed.
The first team that wins two tricks wins the round and receive points. Depending on the trick, the draw is solved differently: With each trick, a different number becomes the "Trump" Trumps are the strongest card, though suits order still applies.
Each round is worth 1 point, but if any player press "Truc!" the round stakes are raised! The other team may accept or deny the "Truc" request. If accepted the round is now worth 3 points. If denied the round ends and the betting team wins 1 point. The team may also raise the bet, meaning they "truc" the "truc". If done so the roles are reversed and the first team must accept or deny the request. The catch is that now the round will be worth 6 points. Given that when a team refuses the "truc" request the cards are not revealed, the requesting team might be bluffing! Each round is a best of 3. Each player receives 3 cards, plays one and the strongest card wins
At any moment any player may call "Truco!", raising the round's bet. Each Truc raises how many points this round is worth. First Truc raises to 3, and each subsequent adds 3 (6, 9, 12).
The adversary must answer with the following options:
- If accepted the round is now worth 3 points.
- If you run from a Truc, your opponent wins this round by default, so be careful of bluffs!
When a team reaches 11 points they get an advantage! The team may look into each-other's hands to decide if they will make a trick or not. If they don't, the adversary team wins the hand. BUT, if they make a trick and lose, the adversary team wins 3 points instead.
The first team to score 12 points wins the match.
That's all you need to know to play Le Truc!
There are two ways to play Truc. With fixed or rotating trumps. The trumps are the strongest cards in the game! For the variant where trumps change per round, the Suits order mather to untie (Clubs, Hearts, Spades and Diamonds) For the variant with fixed trumps, the order is: 4 of Spades, 7 of hearts, Ace of Spades and 7 of Diamonds.