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Where chance and strategy collide, Ludo makes every roll a daring race to the finish.

Game Duration


Number of Players



How to play

Join the fun, roll your way to victory, and become the ultimate Ludo legend!


Ludo is played by two to four players, each controlling four tokens that start in a designated area. The goal is to move these tokens around the board and into a home zone. 

Players take turns rolling a single dice, and a roll of six allows a token to leave its start or grants an extra turn. Movement follows a set path, and only one token occupies each space at a time.

If a player’s token lands on an opponent’s token, the opponent’s token is sent back to its starting area. Tokens must complete a full circuit of the board before entering the home zone, and moving into home requires an exact dice roll.

The first player to place all four tokens in their home zone is declared the winner, ending the game immediately.

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