Tichu is a 2 vs 2 competitive strategy game, based on a traditional chinese game. Everyone will need to strategize with their partners, bluff and outplay their opponents to win! Call Tichu [if you dare] and empty your hand in order to win more points. Some say the best way to learn to play Tichu os finding a guide, going to China, and experience first hand from the locals. We think we're a close second



How to play
The goal is to make 1000 points before the opposing team does.
Game Organization
The game is organized in two teams of two. You gain points by emptying your hand after you called Ticu or Grand Tichu, and by collecting cards when nobody can beat your card combination.
Game Flow
When starting a match, each player receives 8 cards and will be asked if they want to call Grand Tichu. If they choose to do so, they must empty their hand before anyone else, including their partner, to receive 200 points for their team; otherwise, they will lose 200 points. After everyone has decided whether to call Grand Tichu or not, each player receives 6 more cards.
Each player gives a single card from their hand to each of the other players. After exchanging cards, they may call Tichu until they play their first card.
During your turn, you may either play a higher-ranking card combination than the current top card combination, such as a single card, a pair of cards, a trio, a sequence of pairs with neighboring values, a full house [which consists of a pair and a trio], a straight [five or more cards in a sequence], or you may pass. If the play returns to the player who last played a combination, they win the trick, clear the cards, and can lead the next one.The card led determines the only combination of cards that can be played on that trick. For example: if a single card is led, then only single cards can be played; if a straight of seven cards is led, then only straights of seven can be played, and so on.
The last player to go out in a round gives all the cards they won to the player who exited first, and the unplayed cards of the last player are handed to the opposite team.
Special Cards

The Dog has no trick value and cannot be played in a trick. However, when a player leads a trick and plays the dog, his partner immediately gets the right to lead for the next trick. If the player's partner had no more cards, the leading right passes to the next player

The Mah Jong owner begins the game [they don't need to lpay the Mah Jogn, however]. The Mah Jong has the value 1 and is, thereby, the lowest card in the game. The owner may play it as a "1" in a straight [e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. When the owner plays the Mah Jong, they get a free request, meaning they may request a specific card value be played [e.g. an 8 or an ace, but no special card]. The next player, who owns the requested card and may play it in a legal card combination, must play the card. If a player does not have the requested card or cannot play it in a valid card combination, they may play any valid card combination or pass. The card request remains until it has been fulfilled by a player

The Phoenix is the absolutely strongest Tichu card. But it counts -25 points in the scoring of the round. The phoenix can be played as a single card. When played alone, its value is half a point higher than the previously played single card. For example, if an 8 is the current highest single card, the phoenix has a value of 8 and a half and can be beaten by a 9 or higher. The phoenix can beat an ace, but not a dragon. When led as a single card, the phoenix has a value of 1 and a half. and can be played as a Joker [taking any value from 2 to ace] in any card combination [but cannot be used as a bomb]

The Dragon beats any single card, even an ace or ace and a half [when a phoenix is played after an ace] and can only be beaten by a bomb.
The dragon cannot be played as part of a straight. And also, can cause a player to win a trick, but the player must give the cards in the trick, including the 25 point dragon, to one of the players on the opposing team
Special Cards

Fives are worth 5 points each

Tens are worth 10 points each

Kings are worth 10 points each

The Dragon is worth 25 points each

The Phoenix is worth -25 points