Identify your opponent’s mystery character by asking clever yes-or-no questions in this incredible twist of a classic game!



How to play
The objective of the game is for a player to correctly identify their opponent's mystery character before their opponent identifies theirs. Each player begins the game with a randomly assigned mystery character. The shared pool of characters is visible to both players, and each character is distinct, featuring a variety of traits such as gender, hair color, accessories, or other defining features.
Gameplay proceeds in turns. On each turn, a player has the opportunity to ask their opponent a yes-or-no question about their mystery character, and then end their turn by holding a face to select it as their guess. The goal of these questions is to narrow down the pool of possible characters by eliminating those who do not match the opponent's answers. For instance, a player might ask, "Does your character wear glasses?" If the opponent answers "Yes," the player can eliminate all characters who do not wear glasses from consideration. If the answer is "No," the player can eliminate all characters who do wear glasses.
1. Ask your opponent a question to discover character!
2. Afterwards, hold your finger over the suspected tag to guess it!
3. If you guessed wrong, it's now their turn…
4. You can tap a tag to hide it if you`re sure its not the right one.
The game ends when a player correctly guesses their opponent's character.